ISTP Executive Committee
The committee includes the President, the Past President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer and eight Members at Large. Members at Large should include at least one and up to two Student Representatives. Members at Large are elected for two-year terms, renewable once. Membership is staggered so as to ensure both continuity and renewal. In addition, there may be up to four Ex-Officio Members, normally including the editor of Theory and Psychology, the editor of the International Review of Theoretical Psychologies, the Communications Chair and an Honorary Member as decided from time-to-time.
The Committee will be chosen at the ISTP Business Meeting held at the biennial conference.
Tania Zittoun, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Kieran O’Doherty, University of Guelph, Canada
Past President
Ernst Schraube, Roskilde University, Denmark
Martin Dege, Pratt Institute, USA
Niklas Chimirri, Roskilde University, Denmark
Members at Large
Alex Gillespie, London School of Economics, UK
Biljana Stanković, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Luca Tateo, University of Oslo, Norway
Johanna Motzkau, The Open University, UK
Basia Elis, California State University, Sacramento, USA
Floor van Alphen, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Gordana Jovanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Student Representatives
Christopher Zieske, University of West Georgia, USA
Ex-Officio Members
Michael Arfken, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada, Editor International Review of Theoretical Psychologies,
Friederike Windel, The American University of Paris, France, Communications Chair
Rachel Falmagne, Clark University, USA, Honorary Member